Honors Biology

Current Homework Assignment

Signed Expectations due Friday Sept. 2nd
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Honors Bio Course Description

Honors Biology                    Full Year 1 credit                                   Grade: 10

Course Description:

A faster pace, rigorous, and more in depth version of Biology.  All major concepts of Biology including cells, growth, reproduction, heredity, evolution, genetic engineering, bioenergetics, classification, genetics, microbiology, invertebrate and vertebrate animals, and current topics in life sciences are studied as they apply to organisms such as plants and animals.  In this course, students will study materials contained in the following content standards:  Career Prep A1, 3, B3, C1,3,4,5 D1,2,3.

Criteria for Acceptance in the course:

Successful completion of one credit of science.
Recommendation of teacher

Expectations for Student Performance:

Maintain an organized science notebook.
Consistent effort on homework.
Participation in class discussions and lab activities.

Means for Measuring Student Achievement:

Tests and quizzes
Lab reports
Science notebook 

Upcoming Work:

1st Assignment:  Signed Expectations sheet (Due: Tuesday Sept. 2)


This year in Honors Bio there are a few changes.  As honors students you are expected to be prepared and to perform at an honors level.  As such, there is NO late work for this class.  If you don't have your work done on time it is a permanant zero.   The only exception is you are granted one late pass a quarter.  If you should forget a homework assignment you  can have ONE class extension with no penalty to turn the work in.

* The other difference between honors and regular Biology is that in honors we will be working on yearlong science fair projects.  You will choose a topic and during the course of the year work towards completing a science fair project that is of high quality to present on a science fair evening towards the end of the year.  Various portions of the project will be due throughout the year.  More details and deadlines will be provided as the school year begins.