Anatomy and Physiology

Current Homework Assignment

Bio. Pre-Test Friday September 2, 2011

Anatomy Description

Anatomy and Physiology     Full Year 1 credit                   Grade: 11,12

Course Description:

This course is designed to allow students to gain experience with the structure and function of the human body.  Topics will include the major organ systems of the body and how their structure relates to vital functions.  Emphasis will also be placed on understanding how diseases and disorders impact both.  This class would be a good introductory course for students interested in health science careers such as nursing, veterinary medicine, or physician, or for students with an interest in how our complex bodies work.  In this course, students will study materials contained in the following content standards:  Career Prep A1, 3, B3, C1, 3, 4, 5 D1, 2, and 3.

Criteria for Acceptance in the course:

Successful completion of two credits of science.

Expectations for Student Performance:

Maintain an organized science notebook.
Consistent effort on homework.
Participation in class discussions and lab activities.

Means for Measuring Student Achievement:

Tests and quizzes
Lab reports
Science notebook
Research paper 

Upcoming Assignments: